Friday 20 November 2015

Deep Blue Eyes on the Greek Isles by Dimitri Sarantis

The author was born in Athens, Greece and is a dual U.S. / Greek citizen. He studied at Brown University and obtained his MBA at Harvard Business School. He is married and has two children and lives in Athens but often visits America. He is currently employed as the Senior Financial Analyst of Viohalco SA, Greece's largest manufacturing multinational. His interests include poetry, romance fiction book publishing and reading.

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About the Book

This book is for lovers! It is for sensitive, romantic souls. It is for people who wipe a tear as they watch a vivid sunset or who, under the August full moon, understand that life is always about love. But love isn’t always a field of roses. In this book, those roses are full of thorns. Love is a long, adventurous journey. But no matter the thorns in the roses, love never ceases to be the miracle of life. ...

Paul, a handsome young Greek business executive guides Sophie, a younger ethereal beauty of a Greek Goddess, in her Harvard Business School application. They are interested in one another. However, so many questions arise. Will they date, as Sophie has had a steady boyfriend for six years, Robert, and even worse as Paul still has a mad crush on his former girlfriend at Harvard, Wendy? Will they fall in love, will he ask her to marry him and will their marriage ever take place, if at all? This passionately romantic written novel is also definitely a suspense mystery thriller as there are so many threatening plots against their relationship. Robert and Wendy, Sophie’s and Paul’s mothers, and many other people each separately and for their own specific reasons actively plot to blow everything up. Even Alice, Sophie’s sexy-bombshell twin sister wants to “share” Paul. But will she succeed? Paul is so tempted, interested…

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Here's an excerpt from his upcoming novel:

A week passed following their first meeting, and the time had come for their second encounter. Paul was busy at his laptop doing after hours corporate work at home, as he often did. It was one of those early December evenings before Christmas that Greece was famous for: cool and crisp and in the low forties. The evening was magic because the atmosphere was razor-sharp clear. It seemed crafted for those people who marvel at a beautiful, distinct sunset. For those who treasure a crisp, bright starlit winter sky and for those who stand in awe marveling at a beautiful, shiny winter moon. Paul was touched as he admired the strikingly lit up Acropolis, only about a mile away from him. The doorbell rang for Paul and Sophie’s second meeting. Paul stood up and went to the main entrance. When he opened the door, Paul was shocked by the difference in her looks. “Was this the same Sophie?” Gone were the awful green glasses. She had beautifully pulled up her hair, natural, authentic and sensuous. She had hair with an amour-propre. Gentle, but unmediated and determined to be free, long, warm brown hair was pulled up to a tight bun.

Her face was stunning with its perfectly balanced characteristics, high cheek bones and her narrow distinct nose. She had perfect silk-fine nicely tanned skin, which seared warmth. Her deep blue eyes with their long eyelashes radiated kindness. 

She was like a beautiful lotus flower blossoming in the autumn. Her typical casual business attire had a benefit because it would easily direct Paul to her gorgeous deep blue eyes, constantly. Her smile was stunning. 

The constant eye contact made him feel an interest in this woman. He was impressed by the combination of beauty, intelligence and the obvious interest in him she was projecting with those very eyes. An off-white blouse under a tailored blue jacket formed an area of vividness near her exquisite face. The contrasting crimson-red scarf sharpened this effect. 

“Could this Goddess be the same Sophie? Was she Helen of Troy? Was she real?” 

Paul, still in shock instantly decided that he had to shake her hand this time and he now had a second powerful shock. Since he was tall and slim his palms were long and thin and when he shook hands, he had the habit to squeeze the other person’s hands to show his warmth. However, Sophie’s hands were so long, feminine and slim that he had trouble even holding them. A second shock overcame Paul, like a mighty wave sweeping the beach. 

Her amazing, piercing blue eyes impressed him. She was stunningly attractive and good-looking! He had to take time to relax and absorb the shock. 

“Mr. Vassilatos, this view of the Acropolis is awe inspiring. I’m deeply touched; you’re a very lucky man to live here.” Sophie’s eyes were beaming. She was emotionally impressed. 

As they sat at the table and began their work, Paul’s glimpse at Sophie’s hands occasionally interrupted the very meaningful constant eye contact between their blue eyes. Her hands were slim, long and tanned; they could only belong to a pianist or even project the uniquely beautiful hands of the best ancient Greek statue. He was having difficulty in concentrating on their work due to the feelings stirring from the reoccurring eye contact and the elegance of her hands, touching him now and then. He had some of his orange juice. 

“I’ll pretend that this glass is half filled with vodka. That will calm me down.” 

But it didn’t, naturally. The long, professional application meeting that followed only strengthened his impression that she was a very exceptional, extraordinary individual. She had it all. She was sharp and sensitive; a true leader and a professional manager, as well as a knock out. After she left, he wondered if she dolled up just for him. “This is wishful thinking, Paul.”

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